Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tommy T!!!

Without a doubt, I love the acquisition of Tom Thibodeu  as the new coach of the Bulls. My favorite columnist Bill Simmons has a conspiracy theory up...


 Either way:

Apprentice of Doc Rivers, Skiles-like demeanor. A dream come true.

My first wish for our new coach is to teach Derrick Rose how to play on ball defense. He's not as bad as his rookie year when pretty much any point guard lit him up for 30 points, but he has the drive and physical tools to be an elite defender. I'm pretty sure he'll be a much better shooter (god is that possible) and defender next year.

ESPN Insider is going crazy about LeBron to the Bulls. I have the answer...no one knows. LeBron might not know. I will say this, LeBron comes to Chicago, he is still NOT the number one guy. Nope, that's Derrick Rose.

If I've learned anything from watching the NBA playoffs, its just that. He's not a number one now. Can he have a Kobe-esque climb to closer and best MJ impersonator? Ehhhhhh. I'm not sure.

Does DRose have a shot? Oh hell yes he does. Rose is a clutch. Rose has nerves of steel.

But most of all, Rose wants to win as bad as MJ and Kobe do. There's something about him that makes you realize he is just like MJ in that respect...not sure if he treats women as poorly and positive he doesn't treat Joakim that poorly.

I'm excited regardless of whether LeBron or Joe Johnson comes here, or even a combination of Bobby Simmons/Jon Scheyer/Tractor Traylor/Oliver Miller/Kenny Smith.

It is really too bad the draft is before free agency because just this second I did develop the ultimate fail-safe that makes a ton of sense for the Bulls and Sixers.

Swap Hinrich + 1st rounder for Brand + 1st rounder and take Cousins or Turner. A dream...but it would give Philly one less year and a player they don't hate. Plus, remember how sick Brand was in Chicago?

Either way, it's likely to be better than:

Other important things needed this off-season (regardless of LeBron/Wade/Bosh/Amare/etc.)

Joakim developing another move or two, he can be a solid 15ppg, bank it. I've loved Joakim so much since I met him and realized he gets mad ladies and is cool as hell.

Luol Deng dunking. Just dunk the ball Lu, I hate how you must lay it up. Just stop.

Get rid of Janero Pargo. I'll admit, I loved Pargo coming here. But he sucks and can't play with Rose. Be gone wanna be be gone!

Bring back Brad Miller! He's basically said he'll play for nothing, and he's the man. Slow, does the same move every single time and occasionally falls in love with the three. BUT he can be a good back-up.

That being said, bring in another defensive monster center. If we don't get LeBron, I would love nothing more than some big ass dude who can stand in front of Dwight Howard. Aaron Gray, sorry, you were too bad to even do that. It would be sooooo dirty to see Joakim able to play-off on Rashard Lewis or KG rather than banging with Howard and Perkins.

If these things get done, plus Jon Scheyer = Championship.

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